Danish Fish Auction A/S
Quality assured for e-commerce
International fish auction with buyers throughout the EU
Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S is based at the Port of Thyboron’s fishing for human consumption centre, where the ultra-modern internet based fish auction, with buyers all around Europe, receives fish every morning.
Easy navigation to the fish auction for unloading
The fish auction is located quayside at Konsumkaj. There is easy navigation to the port facility and rapid access to the cold rooms for the fish auction.
Fishing vessels have everything on hand at the quay. The box washing facility is located next to the fish auction, so it is easy to load clean new boxes, and all supplies such as electricity, water and bunkering are right at hand.
Sea-packed fish
Sea-packed fresh fish, which are sorted, cleaned, weighed and put on ice at sea, have high value and now represent the majority of Danish fish for human consumption.
Information on the vessel, catch date and location, fish species and weight is printed on labels accompanying each box. The fish are landed after relatively short journeys and are therefore of the highest possible quality.
Quality assurance and traceability
Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S ensures full traceability from both the fishing vessel and catch area. The consumer is able to know the story behind their North Sea fish. The fish quality is so assured that buyers throughout the EU order online without inspection, because the quality control is fully reliable and unsurpassed.
If the fish have not been sea-packed on arrival at the fish auction, the auction can grade the fish while preserving full traceability, from the catch area to the fish trader.
Grading lines
The fish auction has very flexible receiving facilities and can handle catches of all sizes.
Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S increased their grading capacity in 2020, in order to help transit fishermen grade their fish before transport.
Efficient logistics with one-day delivery throughout most of the EU
Highly tuned logistics are crucial for the delivery of quality products in the food industry. Logistics optimisation can also have a big impact on the price for the consumer.
Danske Fiskeauktioner A/S are logistics experts. They ensure one-day delivery throughout most of the EU, so that the consumer gets the best quality, and are experts at optimally utilising the capacity on transport routes to southern Europe, avoiding half-empty vehicles.
This is good for the environment and the final price, and ensures fishermen get a good price for their fish and that the product arrives quickly with the quality intact.
Contact Danish Fish Auctions A/S
A peek into the industry
Take a peek into the many professions that use the Port of Thyboron. There are some very good examples on Instagram of how port users work and utilise Thyboron Port.